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At g2ai, we firmly believe that artificial intelligence is not here to take your job or threaten the world; rather, we see it as a tool that can help you work more efficiently and effectively. With our team's expertise across numerous industries and locations worldwide, we have witnessed the power of data science to optimize workflows and remove mundane tasks, freeing up time for you to focus on the human side of things - being creative, making informed decisions, and tackling the most critical tasks.

Our objective is to help you unlock your full potential by providing assistance with data collection, processing, or deploying machine learning algorithms. We'll guide you through the process in plain English, ensuring you understand the journey and the benefits that come with it.


We take pride in delivering innovative solutions that make our clients' work more efficient and effective. For instance, with the implementation of our Data Parsing Engine, we were able to reduce a week's worth of work to just one day by introducing APIs into the workflow. Additionally, we built an Information Extraction Suite that allowed us to do 1 year of data for over 65 funds in a month.

Our team consists of highly skilled professionals from various parts of the world, including Utrecht, New Delhi, London, and Vienna, who bring decades of experience from renowned companies such as IBM, Infosys, Allianz, Accenture, and JPMC to the table. At g2ai, we are committed to providing our clients with the best possible service and solutions to help them achieve their goals.


Our motto, "The People, The Product, The Profit" represents our commitment to delivering our services in the most convenient way possible, and we've designed our website to make it easy for you to connect with our representatives in just a few clicks.

So why wait? Fill out the form below to start your AI journey with g2ai, where we make your life easier one task at a time.

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